The Polson Family!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


For Christmas, Jason gave me the best gift ever!  A couple of years ago, we had our gmail email account hacked.  The hackers changed our password meaning I could no longer access my email.  More sadly it meant I also couldn't access my blog.  I was crushed.. I could still look at my blog but I could access it to add posts or more importantly to print my years of post.  We tried for a long time to figure out some way to print the blog so we could have access to all those memories...failed attempt.  So I started a new blog, which I admit, I have not been the best at (or even second best...I've been bad).  So, back to Christmas, somehow Jason worked some serious computer magic with the help of a blog printing company & for Christmas he presented me with my 1st blog, all printed out in a beautiful book.  I cried, a lot! 
Needless to say, as I've looked through that book numerous times since, it's made me want to do better on my current blog.  So following Christmas, I organized my pictures, made my list & set out to get my blog all updated, only to be foiled in my plan.  For some reason, when I choose to upload pictures for  post, it doesn't give me options to choose from files on my computer.  Kind of puts a damper on things.  I have heard lately about people using up all the alloted memory for their blog , but mine seems to still have a lot of memory (before I have to pay, what's the deal with that??)
I'm frustrated!!!  Anyone have any suggestions?  I need to talk to my blog consultant (Jen) but I am swamped trying to get New Beginnings put together.
Hopefully soon, all will be well & I can once again get caught up.