The Polson Family!

Friday, September 21, 2012


You know how some things never go out of style.  I always think I should save all my clothes because at some point they'll come back in style, right?  Well, we discovered one of those classics in our house last week.  As my parents have been cleaning out their house to move, they've naturally passed on many gems to us kids.  I have been on the receiving end of quite a few articles of clothing.  Most of them dont' seem usable but Lauren picked this cute green dress out last Sunday and really wanted to wear it.  Initially I thought it had been mine as a little girl, but then as we looked back through pictures I found it had been my older sisters when she was Lauren's age.
This little Nordstrom Best dress has stood the test of time and still looks amazing!  Lauren thought it was so cool to be able to wear something of her Aunt Deborah's!


  1. Are you one of the babies? Cause the one closest to deborah looks just like Lauren did when she was a baby. :)

  2. What a cool thing to wear that dress! Can you tell me more about who's in the picture?

  3. The picture is of Great-Grandpa (my dad's dad) Hall. Allan & Michael are the two little boys standing on the side (Allan in orange & Mike in yellow stripes). On Grandpa's lap is Brian (in the tank outfit) and our cousin Theron (Briggs & Connies second oldest. The little girl touching Brian's head is Stacy (Briggs & Connie's oldest.)
