The Polson Family!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Everyone knows one of the joys/headaches of home ownership is projects!!  Our house is no different.  Since we moved in almost 2 years ago, we've always had some sort of project going.  Most of the credit for finished projects definately goes to Jason, so I thought I'd take a minute to brag!! 
After years of apartment/no garage living, he has relished in the fact that he has "man" space, more specifically work space.  And I can't complain, because he had produced some pretty awesome results!!
So I thought I'd share a few of our finished projects! And I don't have many before pictures.  I generally don't think about that until it's too late.
This is really the only one I can take a lot of credit for.  This was our $30 dresser bought at a garage sale in Torrance.  Originally light brown, it was begging for an update but had to wait until we had the space to do the work. So I got to clean, sand & paint this one.  Jason instructed on tools & helped with all the hardware stuff.   So this was one of the first projects we did, mostly because we needed somewhere to put our clothes:)  I might add that it may never be moved from this spot because it it so darn heavy.
This was all Jason...from pinterest to completion!  Probably  on of the first things we found on Pinterest, we knew we needed it.  It's just outside our garage door & has helped keep the clutter out of the house.  Love it!!
Also while we were still in Torrance, some great friends passed on this cute bunk bed.  We took it from light brown to white and it has been perfect for the girls!
We found these cute nightstands at a thrift store here in Boise.  They were in pretty rough shape but came our looking pretty cute.  This was the first project we used our little paint sprayer, not sure we loved it but we're still learning.

This is Jason's most recent completed project.  He custom built the book shelf & shelf along the wall in Emily & Lauren's room.  It's purpose is to try to keep some of the collectable clutter organized.  I am biased but I think he did a pretty amazing job.  (Excuse the dresser, it's on the project list to be refinished)

This is my craigslist bench.  Purchased in a lovely red color, that certainly was not going to work for us.  This sucker was a tough one.  Jason spent many, many hours stripping all of that lovely red out of lots of little crevices!!  This little bench was an experiment in adding more color to our house & I love how the yellow turned out, plus it's great storage.

 This is Jason's beloved work space.  The bottom bench area was excisting when we moved in but Jason added the top portion to house the growing collection of tools!

This is our downstairs guest bathroom.  It was just a plain white before we started, a little bland.  We painted, Jason did the batton board & made the floating shelves.  This one is still in need of some detail decor, which is always the hardest part of decorating for me.
Next up: the cutest little farm bed for Abby...goal is to be completed before the baby comes!
It's so fun to have a handy husband that actually loves (and always needs) a project!!  I think we have many, many years of projects ahead of us!


  1. super cute...every one of fun....

  2. Looks amazing. So fun that you guys have gotten so many projects complete. Hope to come see them in person one day and get inspired. :)
