The Polson Family!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Long Wait is Over!

After what we felt like was an agonizing home buying process (I'm sure everyone has their horror stories) and years in apartments we finally got into our own house the first part of May.  I have to say while the buying process of was not much fun, the being in the home part is so much fun.  We are having the best time, getting settled and filling our space.  It's so fun to have so many places to put things and to feel like everything has it's own place.  We, of course, are no where near being all unpacked or decorated but we are enjoying that process and taking our time to make sure it's right.  We really feel like we were blessed to find a home that fits us so perfectly.  We have a great back yard.  We back up to a large open field, so we don't have any back neighbors (unless you consider cows and horses neighbors).  I love that when I sit at the kitchen table with the door open I can hear cows & horses and the irrigation stream behind our fence.  Kindof makes me feel like I live in the country (which compared to L.A. we basically do.)  The girls love their new outdoor space.  We had an initial setback when we first moved it.  The girls spotted a beehive at the peak of the rool and seriously would not step foot in the back yard for a bit.  Jason, being the man he is, quickly took care of that and we are back in business.  We just got  a swing set last week which has helped the outdoor activity a ton. 
Anyway, not to ramble, but we love our house!!!

1 comment:

  1. I meant to comment way back when you sent out the FB message with your new blog address :) Your new home is beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys.
