We had such a fun Halloween. The weather was perfectly crisp, the leaves were falling and kids were everywhere!! It was perfect! I loved every minute of it and I think the girls did too. This year we decided the girls would be witches and Abby was their black cat. I braved the costume construction project this year and after much procrastination, a bout with the stomach flu Saturday and a crazy busy Sunday..the costumes were complete Monday in time for school and trick-or-treating. Nothing like a little pressure!!!
We started our night with a few pictures. Abby wasn't really the happiest cat on the street, so we didn't really get any great ones sadly.
We started our trick-or-treating in my brother's neighborhood where everyone meets at the park and the parents sit aroung the park and the kids just trick-or-treat to the parents. It's a nice quick, easy, safe way to score a bunch of candy! We then moved onto my other brother's cul-de-sac. They have a neighbor that rents a flat bed trailer, lines it with hay and drags it behind his 4-wheeler. He takes the kids around the next subdivision and lets them trick-or-treat. He was so patient. He just moves slowly down the street while the kids go door to door. It got a bit chilly toward the end but it was so so fun! The girls loved trick-or-treating with cousins and friends!
We fininished off our night, with a visit to a crazy-decorated house in our neighborhood. We've watched our neighbor decorate all month and wondered what he was doing. Well, it turns out he has a whole show with music, lights and talking. To get candy you have to go into the garage where there are multiple scary things jumping out! I, of course, got freaked out by the garbage can that moved with the hand coming out of it and then our girls wouldn't get any closer than the street. Needless to say, it sufficiently freaked them out!! It was a pretty amazing set-up though! All and all, a pretty fantastic night!