The Polson Family!

Monday, April 23, 2012


After much coercion and a whole lot of drama, we were finally successful in removing Emily's top front teeth.  I think I've said before that I am not really a tooth-puller.  The whole popping of the roots really grosses me out, so up until this point I've left the tooth pulling to Jason.  But, I can't even expain well, the level of drama it is to get Emily's teeth out and I just finally lost my patience with the whole process, so I pulled both of the front top teeth.  They came out about a week a part and our house has been drama-free since. 
After one tooth....
 and then the other.
So, I have failed my blog...again...and I wish I had a really good excuse but I don't.  If fact, I've just been pretty bad about even getting my camera out lately.  But I'm excited to get back to it.  Please excuse the state of the blog for bit while I try some new things too..  I am caught up for now and will hopefully be better but I can never promise, my track record proves.

Anger Management

In the last few weeks, Abby has developed a bit of an anger management problem.  For the most part, she's great but occasionally when she doesn't get what she wants or can't tell us what she wants, she loses it.  I'd like to say (and hope) it's becasue of the number of molars she has had coming in.  Although it's pretty funny, I have to really hope this is not a permanent personality trait!!!  She yesterday, she had a goodie and I just so happened to have my camera and was able to document it!
My personal favorite is the 3rd to last on the bottom...stomping of the foot. (click on the collage for better viewing.)
At least she looks cute in her swimsuit!

 And then it passes...and she's sweet and cute!!!


We hope you had a wonderful Easter!!  We was a beautiful weekend filled with friends, family, egg dying & hunting and of course, celebrating the life and sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ!!  Easter is always one of my favorite holidays, mostly because of the spriritual meaning and the fact that I associate it with family.  I have such great memories of Easter celebrated at my grandparents house in Carnation surrounded by aunts, uncles & cousins.  I am so grateful that my kids are having an opportunity to create some of those same memories! 
Cute girls in super cute dresses...courtesy of Kat's Wedding!

 The Easter bunny brought treats and much needed new bike helmets.   I love that the Easter Bunny always knows just what you need :)
 The Big Hunt at Uncle Allan's.  Abby really enjoyed egg gathering this year.  She was too cute!!
 Emily..working hard!
 Lauren..reaching high.

Abby's New Toy

When Jason started his new job back in February, the company issued him an I for his work.  Well, it has quickly become a very popular item in our house.  Abby, especially, has taken quite a liking to it.  She pretty much thinks it belongs to her for the exclusive use of watching Elmo, whom she loves!!  What I think is most crazy, is how quickly kids figure out how to use this kindof stuff.  She runs her little finger back and forth trying to unlock the screen.  Fortunately, she's only been successful a few times but I'm sure that will change!! 

 Finally got to her favoite

Kat & TJ's Wedding

In March, we got to return to California to go to my cute niece's wedding.  We had the most wonderful time.  We're sad we weren't there long enough to see all of our California friends but it was great to be back in San Diego at my sister's.  My sweet niece and her fiance' had asked my girls to be flower girls which excited them to no end.  They loved being a part of the wedding.  The wedding was amazing, from the bride & groom, to the weather, the colors, the decor, the reception was all perfect! 
My girls adore Kat!  And I have to say it's a huge blessing  to have such amazing cousins for my girls to look up to.  All of my nieces and nephews have set wonderful examples for my girls to follow and can't put into words what that means to me as a parent!  To have my girls watch their cousins marry wonderful people in the temple is something I can never thank them enough for!
This last winter Emily had her first season of basketball.  She has loved soccer and is still playing but it was fun to venture into a new sport with her.  For her first year, she did pretty well.  With both soccer and basketball, Emily understands the objectives very well.  Everytime, her team would be get the ball she would race down to the other end and get open and then call for the ball.  Unfortunately, at this age there's not a lot of passing going on, so for the most part she spent a lot of time running around getting open.  We keep telling her, someday, that will pay off!!  She is awesome on defense, she just gets it.  Her poor height genes left her at bit of a disadvantage on the offensive end but she did finally score the last game of the season!!   She's excited to play again next year.

Moving Up!

Lauren celebrated her 5th birthday on March 2nd.  Thankfully, odd years are family birthdays so we just had a quiet party at home.  This was her LaLaLoopsy year.  She loves these cute little dolls so for her birthday she got the house & the ferris wheel.  She was super excited.  When it's a family party year, our girls also get to chose an activity for the family.  She choose to go to Wahooz and go miniture golfing.  I think it was a first time for both our girl, but they loved it.  And, the birthday girl scored a hole in 1!

Lauren loves being 5 and is so so excited to go to kindergarten in the fall.
Lauren is:
~super active, can hardly sit still for anything
~loves to be outside
~an awesome big sister, she "helps" Abby all the time
~a smart girl, last week she started reading...pretty much on her own
~determined & very competitive, works hard to keep up with her older sister
~a helper, she wants to help with everything
~a sweetheart, she is so loving!

We love our big 5 year old!!

Dancing Girl

Back in February, Lauren started her first ballet class.  It's funny because I didn't really picture her as a dancing girl but she LOVES it.  She's worked really hard to learn her dances and can't wait for her recital in May!