The Polson Family!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Finally...thanks to my sister!

Since we have been married, I have said every year I would make us Christmas stockings.  And every year, it doesn't get done.  So for years, we have been using cheap-o stockings from Target.  So this year, my sister had our name for Christmas and generously offered to make our stockings.  I quickly took her up on that offer, seeing as how I had yet again failed to get started on them.  So she did it & man alive I can't believe how much I love these!! I kindof wanted to leave them up all year:)
They are perfect! I love how everyone's is different & perfect for that person.
This will be the best part of Christmas every year!
Thanks Diana!


1 comment:

  1. Love the stocking and love all the updates even more!!! Can't believe how big all three of them are getting. Super cute girls for sure.
