The Polson Family!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday!

Lauren turned 4 the first part of March.    She is such a big girl now.  She loves her preschool, especially because her cousin Justin is in with her.  Lauren has more energy than the rest of our family combined and more spunk than most.  She can be sweet one minute and painfully stubborn the next.  She is crazy competitive and tries endlessly to keep up with (and beat) her sister at anything. She is a climber and goer.   She hates watching movies...or I should say they don't keep her entertained enough.  She'll ask for me to put on a movie and then 5 minutes later she's at my side wanting to do whatever I'm doing.  It's a double edged sword...I don't want her to love watching t.v but I just need some distractions every once in a while.  She is our helper.  She will drop anything to help...whether help is needed or not.   Right now her favorites are Dora, princesses (mostly Rapunzel), playing outside, riding bikes and scooters and playing dolls with Emily.   She loves her little baby sister.  She is always trying to make her happy and laugh! 

She had to have a Rapuzel Cake!!! 

In May, Jason and Emily celebrated their birthday.  We had just moved into our house a week earlier so it was a little hectic but fun none the less.  Emily turned 6 and is so excited to be moving on to first grade in the fall.  Emily is our sweet peacemaker/mother.  I think this fits a lot of oldest girls.   She is such a good friend to everyone she meets, but mostly to Lauren.  Lauren misses her so much when she's at school.  She is so patient and loving with both Lauren and Abby.  It's fun to have a little one old enough to really help out with Abby.  She's a great little babysitter.  Emily wakes up with a smile and goes to bed with a smile...something I hope she never outgrows.  She too can be very competive, which makes for a great combination.  She and I ran to Meridian Fun Run recently, which was a mile run.  She was so funny, I kept asking her if she wanted to stop and she would walk for 2 steps and start running again.  She ended up running the entire race.  Right now she loves riding her big bike, reading, typing, playing dolls and having playdates.

And of course, not be overlooked Jason shares his birthday with Emily.  He is always so generous to let his birthday be crowded with princesses and tiaras.  He always get teased for only having girl but I think he loves being the king of his castle.  Jason is the best.  I can't even begin to list all of his amazing traits.  But above all he is the perfect husband and dad.  He is the foundation of our family and keeps us headed in the direction we need to be.  He is loving having all kinds of man projects in the house and being able to put his tools to work.   He is so handy!!  We love our Dad!

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